Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Add Chitika Code (Ads) to Blogger.com


add chitika code to blogger

NOTE: It’s kind tricky about Chitika ads, they don’t appear directly on your website, not until you go to your website through search engine. So let us say that a visitor searched for some special keyword on for example Google and comes to your website, the ads that appears on your website for this visitor, will be based on what the visitor was searched for. Basically to test and see how Chitika ads appear on your website, just add #chitikatest=keyword to your website url replace “keyword” with word you want to see Chitika ads, and hit enter on your keyboard, after that click on refresh the page in your web browser or hit ctr+r on your keyboard. Example to test it on my website it should be like this: http://www.fatemaakter.blogspot.com/#chitikatest=digital  Notice that not every keyword will work, it depends on what keywords Chitika ad network are targeting. So make some tests with different keywords and see if you will get any results.

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