Sunday, December 29, 2013

How To Get Approved For infolinks

How to get approved for infolinks

Infolinks is a great website to start earning with your blog or website. Infolinks Displays in-text ads. Which means it does not affect the layout of your website or blog. You can see few words on this post have a double uderline under it. These are the ads.

So here are the things you should keep in mind while applying for infolinks:

1. Make a blog (Free) or a website.

2. Atleast make 20 posts or more (more the content more chances of your thing getting approved)

3. It should take no longer than 3-4 business days to know whether your publisher account is approved or not. If you sign up on a Friday, you will have to factor in Saturday and Sunday and not count these as business days. You may not hear anything back until the following Wednesday or even Thursday.

That's it infolinks approved application quite easily so you don't have to worry much . Before applying make sure you read the FAQ section about infolinks . You don't want to post illegal content . This may led to disapproval. 

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